…the tough get going!
And whichever way you turn right now, the outlook is challenging…

No sooner do we appear to be turning the corner from Covid (although I don’t want to talk too soon, as it looks like we may be falling back into that hole), a war in Ukraine, massive supply chain issues and costs, inflation, skills shortages…I could go on, but that would be far too depressing.
Many years ago I learned the term ‘optics’, and it really connected with me. I have always tried to put myself in others shoes, and found that very useful when negotiating etc. so Optics ‘ the ability to view the same object, from different angles’ I have found to be really powerful.
So, whilst it all sounds like doom and gloom, actually, the situation is pretty much the same for everyone. Therefore, given it’s a level playing field, fortune now favours the bold, and it’s those businesses that can capitalise on the current situation that will come out of this much stronger and ahead of the pack. Any business that thinks it can sit tight, and ride this out is either wrong, or will need to be lucky.
Death, taxes and change being the only 3 certainties in life, now is the time to pull out the strategic plan, and give it a good hard review. End of June is a key tipping point for many business – 3 months into the tax year, 6 months into the calendar year, and the start of the holiday season. There is always a tendency to delay any decisions, but as the saying goes….
”There is only one thing worse than a wrong decision…no decision at all”
Here are just some of the things that any business should be seriously challenging themselves with right now:
- Sourcing it locally rather than from half way around the world
- Insourcing – making or doing it yourself, not getting it from a 3rd party
- Investing in the green alternative
- Stepping into new markets (product, not geography)
- Investing in help to find ways of doing what you do more efficiently
- Training and developing staff so you don’t need to hire more
- If you do need to hire, opening the door to other sectors, not focusing on sector experience but on a person’s abilities and behaviours
If you haven’t considered all of the above, and more, in your strategic plan, you’re missing a trick. As the world transforms, opportunities abound…