How to improve your ESG Creds – contract to more SME’s…

When I used to work in large corporates, I found that they all prided themselves on the work they did to support the local community etc. One of the regular measures they always promoted  was the ‘day a year’ that employees could invest in a community project or similar. Typical projects were painting a school, digging a pond, all that kind of stuff.

Since starting my own business, I just haven’t had time to undertake similar projects, but I do have an ethos of wanting to give back. Therefore, I have invested my time, when I can, in other people and businesses, to enable others to grow, and in doing so promote a general ethos of giving, which in turn then gives back to communities, the environment etc.

Doing what I do, I believe that you can’t manage what you don’t measure, so having a view on how much I am giving, and determining where the correct level is, has been important to me. Although I started my business 4 years ago, it’s only about now that I feel that it has stabilised, and I am now able to measure this aspect of my performance. In hindsight, I have somewhat allowed myself to drift into the current status, albeit with a measure on wanting to give, but knowing that I had to limit it by a need to pay the bills, as we all need to.

So where am I… my current list of Pro-Bono projects are as follows:-

  1. Working with a startup crafting entrepreneur to turn a hobby into a business
  2. Supporting SARA (Southern Area Rescue Association) develop and deliver a strategic plan
  3. Being part of the Together Gloucestershire project to improve localised sourcing in the county and increase local investment Together Gloucestershire
  4. Supporting a small local business that lost its way and needed a coach to help them get back on track
  5. Developing and delivering leadership training for GDA (Gloucestershire Deaf Association) Gloucestershire Deaf Association | Offering Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support in the local area
  6. Leadership Coaching for several individuals

On average, my run rate is that I now contribute 8.8% of my time for free – or an incredible 22 days per year. Having now done this, it has helped me realise a few things:-

  1. I aim to maintain between 5 and 10% of my time for pro bono projects – it feels like the right balance
  2. How little the big corporates give back/and or encourage their people to give back, yet make such a big deal out of it.

How much ‘giving back’ do you do? What do you think is the right amount?

Mike Cameron-Davies CEng, FIMechE

Contact – Cameron Davies